Normpati Pet Food

Normpati Pet Food

Normpati Pet Food

Normpati Pet Food

Normpati Pet Food
Normpati Pet Food
  • +90 (850) 562 48 48

The Use of Brewer's Yeast in Dogs

The Use of Brewer's Yeast in Dogs

It is not safe to use the initial form of brewer's yeast for your dogs, but the "by-products" formed during the process of brewing can help you deal with many of your dogs' problems.


Knowing the healing effect of brewer's yeast, the Egyptians used it for the healing of wounds and skin diseases. When other healers noticed the positive effects of brewer's yeast, it spread around the world. The reason is that the valuable components of this natural product: Brewer's yeast, for example, contains more B vitamins than any other food! Vitamin B gives energy, strengthens bones and fur. These effects apply to both humans and dogs. Also, vitamin B activates the immune system. It helps convert proteins, fats and carbohydrates into energy, thereby strengthening the body's defenses.

Scientists have identified 16 different amino acids as well as 15 different minerals and trace elements in brewer's yeast. These findings indicate that brewer's yeast is an excellent source of animal protein.

The benefits of brewer's yeast are also known to athletes because it empowers the body with magnesium, iron, copper, zinc and other nutrients. Among other factors, brewer's yeast contains selenium, a trace element that helps bind free radicals.


Brewer's yeast is used especially in the treatment of skin and hair problems in dogs. For example, you can use brewer's yeast if you notice that your dog's fur is becoming dull and no longer shining as much as it used to.

Brewer's yeast is also useful for other skin problems, such as eczema, rashes, or fungus. However, this natural ingredient not only helps with externally visible problems; regulates cholesterol, hypertension and thyroid functions as well. Also, it is also recommended for treating diabetes as it does not contain sugar. It is also useful for gastrointestinal and liver problems.


The great thing about brewer's yeast is that it has no known side effects. Only very sensitive dogs may initially experience bloating or mild diarrhea. But in principle, it is a very pure and miraculous ingredient. You also don't have to worry about whether brewer's yeast contains alcohol because it's just a byproduct of brewing. Brewer's yeast does not contain alcohol or cholesterol. It also contains extremely little fat and has a very low sodium content.


There are two ways to give brewer's yeast to dogs: It can either be given as an extra nutritional supplement or there is already brewer's yeast in their food. Even if basically no side effects occur, you should be careful about administration time and dosage when brewer's yeast is given as a nutritional supplement. This dosage amount is usually determined by the dog's weight. As with dry foods, this dosage is even easier to adjust if brewer's yeast is already present in your dog's food. Brewer's yeast in dog food does not act as a (temporary) food supplement, but instead permanently enhances its effect. Since brewer's yeast is much more than a "brewer's yeast cure" in the form of a nutritional supplement, you can also feed your dog additional tablets if necessary (for example, during your dog's shedding period).