Normpati Pet Food

Normpati Pet Food

Normpati Pet Food

Normpati Pet Food

Normpati Pet Food
Normpati Pet Food
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Ticks on Dogs

Ticks on Dogs

If you walk your dog a lot in woods and grasslands, there is a good chance that your dog will be infected with ticks, and, likely, you have also come into contact with ticks in your dog. These parasites are not only irritating, but they can also be dangerous as they carry diseases. Learn more about these little bloodsuckers in nature.

Ticks belong to the arthropod family and prefer to live in grass, shrubs or underwood plants. They cling to animals or people passing by (which may be their host) and wander over feathers or skin to find a suitable place. They are especially active in the warm season and are afraid of drought. Therefore, you should protect your dog from these parasites, especially from spring to autumn, and regularly check your dog's body after each walk. However, as a result of climate change, ticks can be quite active even in mild winter temperatures. A tick bite becomes dangerous if the dog has an allergic reaction, the area becomes inflamed or infected with a disease.

Tick-borne diseases in dogs include:

• Anaplasma

• Lyme disease

• Ehrlichiosis

• Babesiosis

 • Hepatozoonosis

People can also get TBA and Lyme disease as well. If you often walk in woods and meadows with your dog, check regularly for ticks on your skin. If you find a tick on your dog, you need to remove it immediately. Most pathogens are not transmitted for 12 to 48 hours following the tick's attachment. 

Development of ticks

1. Phase: Larva. Female ticks lay about 3,000 eggs in the fall, which develop into genderless and colorless six-legged larvae by the following spring. After they consume blood for the first time (small rodents) they molt.

2. Phase: Nymphe. Eight-legged genderless nymphs attack larger hosts such as dogs and humans. After that, they molt again.

3. Phase: Adult Tick. The sexually mature tick is now ready to mate. Females need another blood supply before they can lay their eggs.

How to remove a tick from dogs?

Ticks often bite your dog's head. Therefore, you should examine this area very carefully. If you have detected a tick stuck to your dog, you should remove it with special tick tongs, tweezers, tick card or tick scoop. Be careful not to squash the tick while doing this. It is quite normal for a partial small hardening or the formation of scabs in the area where the tick was removed, usually they heal after a few days. However, consult your veterinarian if a distinctive rash develops in this area or if your dog has a fever and becomes ill.

Protecting your dog from ticks

You're probably familiar with the usual prophylactic drip medications. Drip this to the hairs on the shoulder area and at the base of the tail. Such medications usually protect your dog from ticks for four weeks, but you should make sure your dog avoids contact with water for the first two days, otherwise the medication used may washed off. There are also tick preventers in the form of tablets and collars.

Medicines that do not contain chemicals are also available;

• Special collars,

• Rubbing the skin with coconut oil before each walk

• Feeding garlic to the dog (at the recommended dose for dogs)

However, you should know that there is no scientific evidence about how effective these alternative methods are.

It's crucial to know that if you're a cat owner, you should never give your cats the same medication as your dog. Some antiparasitic agents used in dogs are very toxic to cats! However, despite prophylaxis, it is also necessary to regularly check their hair for ticks. You should definitely consult your veterinarian if you see small lumps on your dog's skin or if your dog is suffering from increased itching. 

Three important tips for tick checks:

1. Prevent ticks from clinging by taking protective measures

2. Professionally remove attached ticks immediately

3. Monitor your dog closely to check if he is infected with a tick.